Title: Art Director
Responsible for globe design and paint, background paint and layout, and character color.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Alex Myung.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Alex Myung.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Alex Myung.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Alex Myung.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland. Prop key and spear design by Evan Palmer.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. Character design by Evan Palmer.
Responsible for color design and notes. FX design by Alex Myung. Character design by Evan Palmer.
Responsible for color design and notes. Character design by Harley Huang.
Responsible for color design and notes. Character design by Evan Palmer. FX design by Bill Cleveland.
Responsible for color design and notes. Character design by Evan Palmer.
Design Supervisor
Responsible for Character Colors.
Responsible for Vehicle Colors.
Responsible for Vehicle Colors.
Responsible for Character and Wave FX Colors.
Responsible for Character Colors.
Responsible for Character Colors.
Responsible for Character Colors.
Responsible for Character Colors.
Side Scroller Video Game
Title: Color Designer
Responsible for background paint and all floating prop’s color and lighting.
Responsible for background paint and all floating asteroid’s color and lighting.
Responsible for background paint and all floating asteroid’s color and lighting.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Responsible for color and texture.
Title: Color Designer and Background Keys Painter
Title: Color designer for Sleeping Giants
- Responsible of coloring characters, props, FX.